Save the Bees
Colony Collapse Disorder
Bees play an important role in our food supply. Over 70% of the food grown world wide relies on bee pollination. Without bees we would not have many of the foods that we enjoy. Sadly the honey bees are dying at an alarming rate. Scientists are carrying out research to find out the reasons for the mysterious death of the honey bees.
Many Factors are felt to contribute to Collapse Colony Disorder:
Varroa & Tracheal Mites
Fungal & Viruses
Mono crops
Pesticides: both topically sprayed & dipped seeds
What do we do?
We practice biodynamic farming, and only use non GMO seeds and seeds without neonicotinoids. We do not use pesticides or other chemicals and try to do as many of the efforts listed below.
We also educate people on the importance of bees and ways to help save the bee. Recently we worked with the local girlscouts on their beekeeping silver award. Check out their very informative website.
Here's what you can do:
Don't pull the dandelions or clover. Bees love them
Plant flowers and herbs even if it's just pots on a deck. Every little bit helps
Plant less lawn & more flowers & herbs
Don't mow every week so bees can forage the lawn
Don't use pesticides or chemicals
Only buy plants & seeds that are organic, not treated with pesticides or neonicotinoid
Purchase organic food & products
Become a backyard beekeeper. Take a class through your local bee association.
Get educated: watch bee documentaries, take workshops, read books
What is a Neonicotinoid?
Sometimes shortened to neonics ("NEE-oh-Nicks"). In the late 1990s neonicotinoids came under increasing scrutiny over their environmental impacts. Neonicotinoid use was linked in a range of studies to adverse ecological effects, including honey-bee colony collapse disorder (CCD) and loss of birds due to a reduction in insect populations. In 2013, the European Union and a few non EU countries restricted the use of certain neonicotinoids.
Do you know the European Union bans many pesticides where the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relies on the very companies that make pesticides to provide the research that shows that products are safe. That's like the fox watching the hen house.
Washington Post Story on millions of bees dead after South Carolina sprays for zika mosquitoes. Click here to read.
American FoulBrood
Good News for the Honey Bee!! The United States Department of Agriculture has approved the first-ever vaccine for honeybees to prevent American foulbrood disease, a fatal bacterial disease that can destroy honeybee colonies. American foulbrood is one of the most widespread and the most destructive of the honey bee brood (baby bees) diseases. The vaccine will be available for purchase in the United States in 2023.
Image above on left is infected with foulbrood. Note the dark, patchy cells. The image on the right is a Hudson Hives bee hive and is a healthy frame.
How does it works:
Unlike traditional vaccines, the honeybee vaccine isn’t injected with a syringe. Instead, it’s mixed into “queen feed,” which the worker bees consume. The worker bees incorporate the vaccine into royal jelly, which they feed to the queen bee. Once the queen bee has consumed the vaccine-laden royal jelly, fragments of the vaccine are deposited in her ovaries. Then the queen’s larvae will be born with immunity to the disease.
Foul brood Symptoms:
First the capping of the diseased cell becomes moist and darkens in color
Then as the larva shrinks, the capping is drawn down into the mouth of the cell so the normal convex capping becomes concave
Worker bees may puncture this sunken capping and eventually remove it altogether
Death of an infected larva takes place after the cell has been sealed and the cocoon has been spun
At death, the diseased larva changes from a normal pearly white color to a creamy brown, then gradually darkens
As the larva dries, it becomes dark brown
The final state is a very dark brown scale
The overall appearance is patchy because of the mixture of diseased and healthy brood cells
The spores are fed to young larvae by the nurse bees
They then germinate in the gut of the larva and multiply rapidly, causing the larva to die soon after it has been sealed in its cell. By the time of death of the larva, the new spores have formed.
When the house bees clean out the cell containing the dead larva, these spores are distributed throughout the hive and more and more larvae become infected.
The honey in an infected colony can become contaminated with spores and can be a source of infection for any bee that gains access to it.
For example, as a colony becomes weak, it cannot defend itself from attacks by robber bees from strong nearby colonies; these robbers take back the contaminated honey to their own colony, continuing the cycle of infection.
The beekeeper also may inadvertently spread the disease by exposing contaminated honey to other bees or by the interchange of infected equipment.
Moreover, drifting bees or swarms issuing from an infected colony may spread the disease.
To learn more visit the USDA